All over India 45 academic staff colleges were created by the UGC as a place where special short-term courses could be run for serving teachers from institutions of higher education.
Two kinds of courses are the mainstay of the ASC:
(a) The Refresher Course which exposes teachers to the latest developments in their respective disciplines.
(b) The Orientation Course which seeks to introduce the freshly recruited teacher to the challenging vocation of teaching in today's India.
Around 20 such one month courses are run every year in the ASC, with two courses usually being conducted simultaneously. The courses offered are on a wide variety of fields ranging from History, Political Science, Sociology, Economics and International Relations to Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Biotechnology, Computer Science and foreign languages.
The ASC, JNU is known to provide an excellent atmosphere for scholars to mingle and debate issues of contemporary relevance. The prevailing ethos is one of free speech and a collective endeavour in the search for knowledge.
A major effort of the ASC, JNU is to expose its teacher participants from the social sciences as well as the natural sciences to the use of computers and Internet for the purposes of teaching and research. Hands-on experience in the use of Internet is given to all participants. A free on-line library is also in the process of being set up on Internet which participants may access from their hometowns.
Our classrooms are well-equipped with public address systems, overhead projectors and slide projectors. All out-station participants stay in hostel rooms on the campus.
The present Director of the ASC is Prof Kunal Chakrabarti, of the Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University.
You can contact us at:
Academic Staff College
JNU New Campus
New Delhi 110067
ph: 011-26717532,26717566, 26717569 Fax: 26717532
You can send email to
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